Press Releases & Articles

Few see videos as obstacle to impartial Forcillo jury

| Filed under: Toronto

One half think graphic videos of the Sammy Yatim shooting did not make it impossible to seat an impartial jury for the Forcillo trial (49%).

Two thirds “extremely/very” happy with life

| Filed under: Ontario

Two thirds (63%) say they are extremely (28%) or very happy (35%) with their lives, while a further one quarter say they are happy (27%).

One half approve of photo radar

| Filed under: Toronto

One half approves of photo radar (49%), while one third disapproves (34%).

Most Canadians disagree with Trump

| Filed under: National

Two thirds disapprove of US presidential contender Donald Trump in total (68%).

Majority favours reducing council size

| Filed under: Toronto

Majority favour the idea of reducing the size of City Council to 22 wards and councillors to correspond with provincial riding boundaries (52%).

Uber use continues to climb; satisfaction high

| Filed under: Toronto

Close to 3-in-10 have used the Uber mobile ride sharing app (28%).

One half agree Wynne is involved in e-mail scandal

| Filed under: Ontario

One half agree Premier Kathleen Wynne had a role in erasing the gas plant e-mails (49%).

High approval for Watson, very high approval for Bordeleau

| Filed under: Ontario

Three quarters approve of the job Jim Watson is doing as mayor (73%).

Majority approve of legal marijuana

| Filed under: Ontario, Social Issues

Close to 6-in-10 approve of legalized marijuana or cannabis (56%) and this is similar to national rates of approval noted recently (November 4, national sample - 59%).

Thirteen Myths Concerning the 2015 Federal Election

| Filed under: National

This presentation regarding the thirteen myths concerning the 2015 federal election was presented by Dr. Lorne Bozinoff at the MRIA Ottawa Chapter on November 26, 2015